Hello there Tower Family! We are happy to share that our Halloween Helpers project was a success!
On October 28th, our project leader for Halloween Helpers, Melina Sanchez, collected the costumes and drove down over to the Mustard Seed School for the drop-off. There she was given a tour of the school and a run down of what they offer.

Thanks to your contributions, on Halloween each student was given their very own personalized costume and where able to trick or treat around the area. Many of these students have little stability in their lives as they are all struggling through homelessness. Being given the costumes was incredibly meaningful to not only them but their parents who otherwise would not have been able to provide one for them.
Thank you to everyone who donated, we very much appreciate you and your donation! Without your assistance, we could not have done this.
As always, 100% of your generous donations were used for this project. If you have questions about the project, you can contact our project leader Melina Sanchez at melina@towerofniceness.org.
Thank you for your niceness!
The Tower Team